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Robin Resources (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

Robin Resources (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Akij Group of Banglagesh. Established in 1994 with an initial investment of US$ 50 million, Robin Resources started producing MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) using rubber wood as its raw materials in its 57 acres site in Mentakab, Pahang.
The design capacity of its 2.6 meters x 28 meters Dieffenbacher Continuous Press was 400 m3 per day but with machinery improvement modifications and with an efficient and dedicated workforce, Robin Resources has managed to increase the capacity up to an average of 650 m3 per day
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Acacia Plantation
Fibreboard Manufacturer
Waste Wood For MDF
Environmental And Sustainability


Robin Resources uses mainly plantation species rubber wood, acacia wood and timber wood waste such as wood slabs, wood off-cuts and peeler cores as its raw materials for producing MDF. All raw material  are sourced locally from strictly legal establishments.

To ensure sustainability in wood supply, Robin Resources took a giant step forward in 2004 by investing in Robina Plantation Sdn. Bhd., to plant, to manage and to harvest a 15,000 acres Acacia plantation which is ideally located about 25 km from the factory. ​

Robin Resources is currently pursuing the PEFC Certication as part of its corporate responsibility in ensuring a better environment for the future.

MDF Production Process


For a tour of the MDF Production process, please click

MDF Applications


MDF is a unique wood panel which combines the qualities of blockboard, plywood and particleboard making it a more versatile and complete substitute

for natural wood. Its usage is wide and endless.


For a list of MDF uses, please proceed to :- 

Historical Milestones


Robin Resources’ production capacity has grown from 100,000 m3 in the 1996 to surpass the designed capacity of 135,000 m3 by 1999 and continued to grow up to a maximum of 195,000 in 2010.    In line with the increased output. Robin Resources also improved the quality and the variety of its products to offer more choices to the market.


  • 1994 >> Robin Resources was established by the Robin Group of Singapore

  • 1995 >> Construction of factory

  • 1995 >> Started commercial production in December

  • 1998 >> Started producing E1 Type MDF

  • 1999 >> Started producing HMR Type MDF

  • 1999 >> Started producing F*** U Type MDF

  • 2000 >> Established Robina Flooring

  • 2003 >> Started producing Direct Printing MDF

  • 2004 >> Started producing F**** U Type MDF
  • 2008 >> Obtained JIS Certification

  • 2009 >> Obtained CARB P2 Certification

  • 2011 >> Obtained CARB P1 Certification

  • 2013 >> Started producing F*** M Type MDF

  • 2014 >> Started producing Fire Retardant MDF
  • 2015 >> Started proudcing F**** M Type MDF
  • 2015 >> Obtained PEFC Certification
  • 2018 >> Robin Resources was acquired 100% by the Akij Group

Direct Printing


Robin invested a German Burkle Direct Line in 2003 to provide better value to its raw MDF.


For a tour of the Direct Printing, please click  

© 2014 by Robin Resources (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

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